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Your batting stance is just a starting place when we talk about hitting. They come in all shapes and sizes and weirdness, I just used an image of my own stance because it does not matter much. This is where you start at and set up well before the pitcher starts his delivery. 

Baseball Gloves

Mental Approach

Mental approach is a key to hitting and is the most important part and it takes 0 skill or talent. When you walk up to the plate for an at bat you need to focus on hitting the ball back up the middle of the field on the barrel HARD. 

You also need to focus on controlling the strike zone. You need to swing at strikes and not balls, if you swing at balls it does not matter how good your swing is. Controlling the strike zone is VITAL, if you control it you can put yourself in a good count to get a pitch to hit. 

The Load

When we talk about "loading" many people are very lost on this subject. We want to load into our back hip and NOT our quad. In this video you will see the first move that Hunter Bishop makes is into his back hip. Watch the belt buckle rotate back on his back leg which causes a coil affect in our rear hip socket. This is an example of someone loading into their back hip and not their quad. 

Matching Takeaways

Next, we are going to talk about matching takeaways. This part of the swing is very important and quite simple. Weather you stride, leg kick or toe tap you must have your hands work back with and IN SYNC with your stride, leg kick, toe tap. In this video you will see Miguel Cabrera's swing, you can see how his hands WORK BACK AND UP AS HE STRIDES FORWARD. These two things matching are vital because it allows your barrel to work rearward and creates bat lag and that is what we want. 

Moving Forward

Just like our load into the back hip it is also vital that we move forward from the position. You can not sit on your back hip and expect to have success that part is just our key in the ignition. We want to KEEP that coil in our back hip and move forward from that spot. 

When to Move Forward

You move forward as your matching takeaway is happening, while your body moves forward your stride will help lead your body forward and the matching takeaway with your hands going back and up will create barrel lag and keep your hands and barrel back allowing it to launch behind you and on plane with the pitch. 

The Sauce

When you put all these components together effectively it will create a swing that looks like this. Using these things that are displayed on this page and the proper hard work and determination you can turn yourself into a multi-millionaire and become one of the best hitters in baseball. 



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